Citizen Journalist : Samar Gupta, CNN-IBN.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" - Margaret Mead
At a time when the main stream media is seen diverting from it's objective and focusing more on profit generating motives. Social and vital issues relating to the masses are being neglected on a daily basis.
This ignorance by the media has led to a huge gap between between issues reported and neglected. With an aim to bridge this gap, a new concept of participatory journalism has emerged across the globe, popularly known as Citizen Journalism.
A form of journalism where any common man or woman in his/her capacity as a responsible citizen can take up the initiative to express their ideas irrespective of their educational or professional backgrounds.
This concept got exposed and supported by the new media as in social media platforms e.g. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and various other means that are available for the common people to express their views freely without abiding the mainstream media tactics and stereotypes.
But soon, the mainstream media also became more aware of the attitude of today's middle class population and understood that smartphones, going live on Facebook and putting up videos on
YouTube have become simpler and less complicated tasks for common people and if the media doesn't hear them, they can very well help themselves to put out their views in public.
Hence one of the biggest news network CNN-IBN has also started their own segment on TV and online where citizen journalists are shown exposing various issues.
Once such example is Citizen Journalist, Mr. Samar Gupta. In 2014, he went on to exposing tons of food grains rotting away in the FCI godown in Alwar which were being dumped in the nearby wells causing them to contaminate the water resources for the villagers. At a time almost 5-6 large wet bags of rotten food grains found in the wells just 100 metres away from the FCI godowns were exposed on camera by CJ Samar Gupta accompanied by the CNN-IBN team.
We need the public to become more responsible and driven like CJ Samar Gupta, he's an example of pure bravery, courage and also proves the fact that the common man could also be a hero with the right mindset and approach in our society.
- Spandan Sen.
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